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RiverTubing.info does not endorse any of the businesses in
this directory and cannot certify that the information about Outfitters is true
and accurate.
Websites and their content change constantly without our knowledge. Information
throughout this Website is subject to change without notice.
Information may be time sensitive and become out-dated or obsolete. We strive to
keep all the information on this site current, updated and
accurate, however we are not responsible for any errors, misprints, mistakes, missing
information, misunderstandings,
misconceptions, misinterpretations, incorrect and/or out-dated information.
FYI & For Your Safety
IMPORTANT... River tubing, swimming and river activities have both inherent and unknown risks and dangers.
These include but are not limited to injury or loss of life.
Most rivers have no life guards and you will be on
your own, use caution, think safety first!
Some Outfitters may require you to sign a waiver and release of liability
for yourself and anyone else in your group before
you will be allowed to go river tubing or participate in any
type activity with
them. Be sure to request a life jacket or life vest and do not hesitate to ask
Outfitter any questions you may have.